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Title: Adoption of Fintech Among Rural Communities: Challenges and Solutions
Authors: Salleh, M. Z. M. 
Abdullah, A 
Nawi, N.B.C. 
Din N.M. 
Zakaria M.N. 
Muhammad, M. Z. 
Merican, Rooshihan Merican Abdul Rahim 
Radyi, S. A. M. 
Keywords: Fintech;Rural
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
This paper examines the challenges and solutions for the adoption of fintech in rural communities. Fintech has the potential to increase financial inclusion and open up access to financial services, but adoption in rural areas is hampered by particular issues. The lack of financial awareness, restricted access to technology, and trust issues are some of these difficulties. The study evaluates the research on the difficulties rural communities have adopting fintech and examines alternative strategies that can be used to overcome these difficulties. This study summarises the results of interviews with rural residents about the obstacles to and potential solutions for the adoption of fintech in rural areas. Using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method, data was collected. The Nominal Group Technique (NGT), which can reveal difficulties, problems, or solutions among the rural populations involved, was used to analyse the study's findings. 10 informants in total participated in this investigation. Among the suggested remedies include enhancing digital infrastructure, offering financial education, and fostering trust through collaborations with regional institutions. In order to ensure the relevance and uptake of fintech solutions, the report also emphasises the significance of incorporating the rural population in their design and implementation. The use of fintech can assist rural populations in accessing financial services, promote financial inclusion, and support economic growth by overcoming these obstacles and putting in place the necessary solutions. Policymakers, financial service providers, and researchers who want to encourage the adoption of fintech in rural regions can learn a lot from this study.
ISSN: 21984182
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-50939-1_58
Appears in Collections:Book Sections (Scopus Indexed) - FKP

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