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Title: The effect of utilitarian-based online store attributes, hedonic-based online store attributes, and online review towards online impulse buying behaviour in Malaysia: A review
Authors: Hong L.M. 
Nawi N.C. 
Zulkiffli, W.F.W. 
Keywords: Impulse Buying;Social Commerce;Community Participation
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: American Institute of Physics Inc.
Conference: AIP Conference Proceedings 
Majority of Malaysian use the Internet mainly for searching information of the product and services as their main activity even though they are not interested to purchase that through online. Their preferable are shopping at traditional store. This scenario showing that online platform is just a convenience channel for them to gather related information only. In order to remain competitive, retailers need to shift their business into digital business and one strategy to boost online sale is using the impulse buying method. Therefore, there is a need to further investigate what factor affecting the online impulse buying. To note, factor such as utilitarian-based online store attributes, hedonic-based online store attributes, and online review are found significantly affect online impulse buying behaviour.
ISBN: 978-073544322-8
ISSN: 0094243X
DOI: 10.1063/5.0117276
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business - Proceedings

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