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Title: Landslide susceptibility analysis in Kampung Renok Baru, Gua Musang, Kelantan
Authors: Udin W.S 
Razmi, N. S. 
Keywords: landslide, GIS
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: American Institute of Physics Inc.
Conference: AIP Conference Proceedings 
This study was conducted in the Kampung Renok Baru region of Gua Musang, Kelantan. The purpose of this research is to identify landslide causative factors and develop 1:25,000 scale landslide susceptibility maps. Primary and secondary sources were used to acquire all of the information needed to estimate landslide vulnerability. The pre-field work included secondary data collecting related to topography features, satellite imageries, and the Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The likelihood of a landslide is influenced by slope, aspect, lithology, land use, drainage density, and distance from the road. In this research, the Weighted Overlay Method (WOM) was applied. The densities of landslide incidents were computed within each causative factor map and associated parameter map classes. A generic quantitative prediction was also developed to rate the causal components that could produce landslides in similar scenarios. The landslide susceptibility map was created by combining the causative factor maps with the resulting weights. The landslide risk map for the study area was separated into three categories. Class 1 is low hazard, class 2 is medium hazard, and class 3 is high hazard. Finally, decision-makers can use the generated map for land use planning and landslide mitigation.
ISSN: 0094243X
DOI: 10.1063/5.0078822
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Earth Science - Proceedings

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