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Title: Landslide susceptibility assessment using geographic information system in Aring, Gua Musang, Kelantan
Authors: Udin W.S 
Yahaya N.N. 
Shariffuddin S.I.M. 
Keywords: landslide susceptibility;geological;property
Issue Date: 6-Sep-2021
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd
Journal: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 
Conference: 3rd International Conference on Tropical Resources and Sustainable Sciences, CTReSS 2021 
Aring lies in Gua Musang District, Kelantan which is prone to geological risks like rock falls and slides. In some regions, it is also prone to landslides, which can result in fatalities and property damage such as houses and vehicles. The goal of this research is to assess landslide causative factors and create a landslide susceptibility map. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used to determine the causative factors: aspect, slope, elevation, and drainage density while the lithology was based on a geological map, and the lineament was calculated using satellite data. Weighted Overlay Method (WOM) analysis was used to combine these weighted causative factor maps into a Geographic Information System (GIS) The landslipe susceptibility map was divided into three categories. Low hazard is class 1, medium hazard is class 2, and high hazard is class 3. As a conclusion, the capacity to estimate landslide susceptibility leads to a greater understanding of landslide mechanisms, allowing for better prevention of the most likely failure locations within a landslide-prone area in the future.
ISSN: 17551307
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/842/1/012008
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Earth Science - Proceedings

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