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Title: Transformation of Accounting Information Systems in the Management of BUMDesa Financial Performance in the Digitalization Era
Authors: Evi Dwi Kartikasari 
Zainuddin, S. A. 
Jamil, A. 
Keywords: BUMDesa;Digital record keeping;Manual Accounting Information System
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Springer Nature
Journal: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance 
Accounting information systems combine traditional accounting practices with modern information technology. Over time, the accounting recording process is not enough to be done manually, but the automatic digitization process of accounting also needs to be applied. The era of digitalization requires BUMDesa to understand technology management so that by implementing digitalization of accounting information systems with the hope that report users can quickly and accurately. The obligation of SOEs in reporting their financial performance is certainly the most important part of the survival of SOEs (Wahyu et al., Conference on International Issues in Business and Economics Research (CIIBER 2019), 161(32):206–11, 2021). The number of SOEs that do not make financial statements and the unclear direction of the accounting information system make the government issue digital reporting policies with the aim of facilitating centralized control. In this study, researchers want to present a portrait, the transformation of accounting information systems in managing the financial performance of SOEs (Rosari et al., Owner 6:2921–2930, 2022). The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategy of implementing accounting information systems in managing the financial performance of SOEs digitally. This research method is a qualitative method with a literature review approach. Data sources are taken from field studies, references to the Village Government Law, relevant research journals, and books on village financial management. The findings of this study are that BUMDesa managers have transformed the accounting information system, namely in the form of BUMDesa registration on the Kemendes website, but in its implementation, there are still several obstacles, namely the lack of digitalization literacy, most managers do not have expertise in accounting and financial management. The next hope is that BUMDesa managers must be able to manage digitalization-based archives, integrate the preparation of SOPs and financial statements to provide accountability to the central government and the community.
ISSN: 21967075
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-53877-3_42
Appears in Collections:Book Sections (Scopus Indexed) - FKP

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