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Title: Effects of water additive mixed probiotics on water quality, growth performance, feed utilization, biochemical analyses and disease resistance against Aeromonas sobria of Nile tilapia
Authors: Redhwan A. 
Eissa E.-S.H. 
Ezzo, O. H. 
Abdelgeliel, A. S. 
Munir, M. B. 
Chowdhury, A. J. K. 
Kari, Z.A. 
Syafaat, M. N. 
Suryani, A E 
Eissa M.E.H. 
Abd Al-Kareem, O. 
Keywords: water quality;Aeromonas sobria;Nile tilapia;probiotics
Issue Date: Jul-2024
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Journal: Desalination and Water Treatment 
The present study examined the effects of water additive mixed probiotics on water quality, growth performance, feed utilization, biochemical analyses and disease resistance against Aeromonas sobria of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Triplicate groups of Nile tilapia fingerlings (46 g) were fed a commercial diet (ALLER AQUA FEED) in four water treatments control (0.0 g/m3), T1 (0.0010 gm m-3 day-1), T2 (0.0015 gm m-3 day-1), T3 (0.0020 gm m-3 day-1) of probiotic ( AquaStar® Pond) for 60 days. The water quality parameters particularly total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) and ammonia (NH3) decreased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) in all three water treatments when compared to the control treatment. The better values of growth performance, feed utilization and hematology recorded of probiotic groups. The results also showed that fish reared in three water treatments with additive probiotics had a lower mortality when challenged with Aeromonas sobria. Hence, the water additive probiotic used in this study is a promising solution as an alternative product to improve the water quality, growth, and health of O. niloticus.
Web of Science / Scopus
ISSN: 19443994
DOI: 10.1016/j.dwt.2024.100480
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agro Based Industry - Journal (Scopus/WOS)

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