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Title: The implementation of graphic motion-based communication technology material learning videos for 3rd grade elementary students
Authors: Azmi Fauziah Hamidah 
Feri Hidayatullah Firmansyah 
Fahmi Candra Permana 
Ahamad Tarmizi Azizan 
Keywords: Communication Technology;Elementary School;Learning Videos;Motion Graphic
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan 
Motion graphic-based learning videos are a digital learning medium that clarifies material, increases student learning independence, can be accessed quickly, and is not limited in time. This study aimed to determine the implementation and feasibility of motion graphic-based learning videos on the material 'Communication Technology' for third-grade students of Luqmanul Hakim Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Bandung City. This research uses the Design and Development (D&D) model. This research went through five stages, namely (1) problem identification, (2) Determining goals and solutions, (3) Product design and development, (4) Trials, and (5) Communication. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires. Two experts are involved in this study: material and media experts. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling. Namely, the total number of grade 3 students is 24 students. The validation results by the material experts showed a percentage of 100% with the qualification "Very Good." In comparison, the results of the confirmation by the media experts showed a rate of 98%, and the effects of student assessments showed that the percentage showed 92.4% with the qualification "Very Good." Based on the results of validation by experts and reviews by teachers and students, it can be concluded that motion graphic-based learning videos are appropriate for use as learning media.
ISSN: 2407-0963
DOI: 10.21831/jitp.v10i4.51908
Appears in Collections:Journal Indexed Era/Google Scholar and Others - FTKW

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