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Title: Geomorphosite Assessment of Renyok River, Jeli, Kelantan
Authors: Achmad Bahar A.M. 
Udin W.S 
Hussin, H. 
Sulaiman, N. 
Sulaiman, N. 
Keywords: Academic publications;Data collection;Geomorphological mapping;High potential;Leucogranites
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd
Journal: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 
Conference: 2nd International Conference on Tropical Resources and Sustainable Sciences, CTReSS 2020 
Renyok River has many unique and interesting geosites. So far there are very few academic publications related to Renyok River so that its potential as a tourist area is not discovered. In order to ensure the Renyok River geosite has the potential to be developed as a tourist attraction, a comprehensive geomorphosite study is carried out along the Renyok river. In this study the data collection was carried out through geomorphological mapping on geosite along the river. Geomorphosite data were obtained and analyzed in reference to the standard values created by Kubalikova. River landform dominated by leucogranite and metasediment where contacts can be found in many locations. The analysis shows that the Renyok River geomorphosite value is quite high in all aspects assessed including Scientific and Intrinsic aspects (75%), educational (87.5%), conservation aspects (62.5%), and value added aspects (75%), but low value only in economy aspects (33%). Overall conclusion is that the Renyok River has a high potential to be developed as a geotourism area with a note that all deficiencies will be improved in the future and subsequently could be beneficial to economic strengthening.
ISSN: 17551307
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/549/1/012023
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Earth Science - Proceedings

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