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Title: Nanocellulose biocomposites in specialty papermaking
Authors: Asa’ari A.Z.M. 
Latifah J. 
Boon, J.G. 
Nurul Husna M.H. 
Chin K.L. 
Amran S. 
Sharmiza A. 
Nizam A. 
Ilyas R.A. 
Keywords: Food packaging;High-durability paper;Nanocellulose;Printing paper;Specialty paper
Issue Date: Jan-2022
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal: Industrial Applications of Nanocellulose and its Nanocomposites 
Nanocellulose is growing and getting attractive since a decade ago due to its capabilities in a wide range of areas and applications. It may be derived from any lignocellulosic-based natural materials. The nano-sized parts are isolated and will be added into the pulp slurry of papermaking stock. The great benefit of nanocellulose mostly regards its mechanical reinforcement function besides useful usage which meets the needs of certain specialty papermaking. Differ from typical paper, specialty paper carries its own niche property such as water and oil repellence, magnetic responsiveness, high durability, long-lasting food packaging, and more. This chapter aims to highlight the potential and usage of nanocellulose in making specialty papers dedicated to food packaging, high-durability papers, and printing papers. Nanocellulose has a bright future in terms of alternatives to petroleum-based packaging and environmental issues, but intensive research and development are still needed focally on reaching the commercial stage and, safety and security issues especially when dealing with foods.
ISBN: 978-032389909-3, 978-032389917-8
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-89909-3.00006-7
Appears in Collections:Book Sections (Scopus Indexed) - FBKT

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