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Title: Transportation and acclimation of wild marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata Bleeker, 1852)
Authors: Douglas Law 
Nik Marzuki Sidik 
Heeryawan Ryadi Ezimar Dyari 
Ahmed Majm 
Muhammad Shahid 
Nur Emelina Abas 
Muhamad Syahmin Aiman Sahriri 
Shazrul Fazry 
Keywords: Oxyeleotris marmorata;tank adaptation;transportation stress;water stress
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: The Malaysian Society of Applied Biology
Journal: Malaysian Applied Biology 
The Marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata Bleeker) is usually found in freshwater bodies. Due to its high commercial value and demand, it is farmed in cages and pond systems. Marble goby fish are preferred to be freshly killed and processed upon request in Asian restaurants. Currently, there are some challenges faced by fishermen who wish to transport live fish to restaurants or markets due to the traditional method of using water tanks as carriers. These water tanks are usually very heavy and bulky, increasing transportation costs. Furthermore, coping with the survivability of fish post-transportation has proven to be a challenge. This study was aimed at investigating the semi-dry method for fish transport and acclimatization of fish after transport in different tank sizes. In the semi-dry, where fish were covered using a towel transportation method where the survival rate at ~92%. For the acclimation experimental group, stream water was found to be the most appropriate type of water for rearing the marble goby fish, which demonstrated a conspicuous survivability rate of ~83%. whereas, for adaptation, marble goby fish from the wild had a faster adaptation rate in smaller spaces like aquariums as compared to large ‘stock tanks.’ To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that will provide a better understanding of the transportation method, acclimation conditions, and habitat that can lead to a reduction in the mortality rate during the marble goby transit processes.
ISSN: 01268643
DOI: 10.55230/mabjournal.v51i5.2399
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agro Based Industry - Journal (Scopus/WOS)

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