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Title: The Study on Acceptance of Malay Tradisional Food Among Gnereration Z
Authors: Ahmad Rizqyuddin Mohd Yatimmurrizal 
Ambas Ngilah 
Ganatharsyen Jegathisvaran 
Nadirah Yusoff 
Simpong, D.B 
Keywords: Traditional Food;Generation Z;Food Knowledge;Food Attitude;Food Image
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
Conference: E-PROCEEDING HoTWeC 6.0 
Traditional Malay food is the cuisine of the ethnic of Malays in Southeast Asia who live in Malaysia. Traditional Malay food is characterised by its heavy use of spices. In this globalization era, most people from the generation Z in Malaysia prefer to eat fast food or ‘modern snack’ compared to traditional food. The young generation's food attitude nowadays has affected their choices. This is because Fast food and modern food products are in high demand since they are convenient for clients' busy lifestyles. Therefore, the study aimed to examine the effects of food knowledge, food attitude and food image on the acceptance of Generation- Z of Malay traditional food. 400 respondents who participated in this study which was conducted through the questionnaire. This study focused on Generation- Z that aged from 18 to 30 years old. The research design used in this study is quantitative research. The result showed that food knowledge, attitude and image play a significant role in generation- Zacceptance of the Malay traditional food.
ISBN: 978-967-0021-47-8
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness - Proceedings

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