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Title: Corporate Governance in the Nigerian Banking Sector: A Theoretical Framework
Authors: Kuwata Muhammed Goni 
Yusrinadini Zahirah Md Isa Yusuff 
Tahirah Abdullah 
Keywords: Corporate governance;Nigerian banking sector;stewardship
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: FKP, UMK
Conference: FKP Postgraduate Colloquium 
This study examined the impact of corporate governance on Nigerian banking sector. The impact of poor corporate governance is not difficult to observe on Nigerian banking sector with some notable casualties. Major corporate governance theories were combed through to better comprehend the theoretical underpinnings of corporate governance. The impact of corporate governance on Nigerian banking sector is discussed through the lenses of 10 corporate governance theories.
ISBN: 978-967-25774-2-3
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business - Proceedings

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