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Title: Development of Student Entrepreneurship Interest Through Student Entrepreneurship Education in West Sumatra - Semi- Systematic Literatur Review
Authors: Rika Verawati 
Mohd Rafi Yaacob 
Keywords: Interest in Entrepreneurship;Entrepreneurship Education
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: FKP, UMK
Conference: FKP Postgraduate Colloquium 
The development of entrepreneurship education in Universities in West Sumatra is focused on improving the capacity of education delivery and increasing the modernization of entrepreneurship education in West Sumatra. So that the strengthening can encourage the strengthening of entrepreneurship education, especially in universities. Entrepreneurship education in West Sumatra has been implemented in all universities, not only in West Sumatra, but even in Indonesia. However, its implementation has not shown optimal results. Therefore, this study aims to develop students' interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurship education in universities, especially students of University PGRI West Sumatra. The object of this research is University PGRI West Sumatra students who take entrepreneurship interest at universities in West Sumatra (2) Analyze the factors that influence student entrepreneurship interest (3) Optimizing the development of entrepreneurship education at universities in West Sumatra (4) Application of entrepreneurship education model for students in West Sumatra. The questions from this research are:
(1) How to grow students' interest in entrepreneurship at universities in West Sumatra? (2) What are the factors that influence student entrepreneurship interest in West Sumatra? (3) How is the development of entrepreneurship education at universities in West Sumatra? (4) How is the development of an entrepreneurship education model for students in West Sumatra? Considering the limitations of the researchers, the focus of this research is the development of student entrepreneurial interests through student entrepreneurship education in West Sumatra, a special study for University PGRI Sumatera Barat students who take entrepreneurship courses.
ISBN: 978-967-25774-2-3
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business - Proceedings

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