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Title: “Broad-spectrum” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education System Framework and Theoretical Value Analysis of Design Specialty in Chinese Higher Education
Authors: Fan Jinchao 
Anis Amira Ab Rahman 
Keywords: design majors;system construction;broad-spectrum
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: FKP, UMK
Conference: FKP Postgraduate Colloquium 
In Chinese higher education, "broad-spectrum" innovation and entrepreneurship education for design majors is a new teaching model for design majors,with creative entrepreneurship as the core, combining innovation and entrepreneurship content, and with certain special, professional, and extensive integration characteristics. It is a new way for Chinese innovation and entrepreneurship education to be professionalized and systematized in design majors.Therefore, this paper briefly analyzes and elaborates on the system construction of "broad-spectrum" innovation and entrepreneurship education in Chinese higher education design majors and the corresponding theoretical values, hoping that it will have some guiding effect on the further development of specialized innovation and entrepreneurship education in
colleges and universities.
ISBN: 978-967-25774-2-3
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business - Proceedings

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