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Title: Explaining community capital changes for malaysian negritos based on longitudinal panel study
Authors: Amir Zal, W. A. 
Burhan Che Daud 
Omar M. 
Salleh H. 
Halim S.A. 
Keywords: changes;community capital;community development
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Routledge
Journal: Community Development 
It is difficult to understand the changes in the community development process among Negritos in Malaysia without comprehensive data in a longitudinal framework. Thus, this study attempts to explain those changes through just such a study. The format adopts a quantitative approach to a survey designed for Negrito heads of households (HoH). The finding show a change happening in the community capitals, especially the human, social and cultural capitals. But other community capitals have not changed. Two main implications are highlighted: (1) the patterns of change among Negrito are revealed, community capitals under their control are changing, and (2) comprehensive data about the changes can only be obtained through a longitudinal panel study. Thus, longitudinal panel studies should be practiced by researchers in future, which is driving the need for massive and accurate data to develop a community.
Web of Science / Scopus
ISSN: 15575330
DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2021.2007147
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development - Journal (Scopus/WOS)

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