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Title: Entrepreneurs' Competencies and Competitive Advantages: A Study on Malaysian Microenterprises
Authors: Fazal, Syed Ali 
Mamun, Abdullah Al 
Ghazali A. 
Masud, Muhammad Mehedi 
Keywords: competitive advantage;Entrepreneurial competency;Malaysia;microenterprise
Issue Date: Feb-2022
Publisher: Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd
Journal: Global Business Review 
Considering the significance of relevant competencies towards business success and the dependency of socio-economical vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs on their enterprise income, this study examined the effect of entrepreneurs’ competencies (i.e., opportunity recognizing competency, strategic competency, organizing competency, relationship competency, conceptual competency and commitment competency) on the competitive advantage of microenterprises in Malaysia. This study adopted a cross-sectional research design and collected quantitative data from 300 randomly selected respondents from Peninsular Malaysia. The findings revealed significant positive effects of organizing and commitment competency on the competitive advantage with a significantly negative effect of relationship competency on the competitive advantage. Apart from enriching the current literature, this study offers significant policy implications for the government and socio-developmental organizations in Malaysia for improving the micro-entrepreneurship and uplifting large low-income groups from poverty.
Web of Science / Scopus
ISSN: 09721509
DOI: 10.1177/0972150919854937
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness - Journal (Scopus/WOS)

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