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Title: Customized Rainfall Collector for Isotope Analysis
Authors: Roslanzairi Mostapa 
Kamarudin Samuding 
Mohammad Muqtada Ali Khan 
Zakiyah Ainul Kamal 
Hafzan Eva Mansor 
Nor Shahida Shafiee @ Ismail 
Aweng a/l Eh Rak 
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: UMK Publication
The setup of the rainwater collection apparatus suitable for isotope analysis (2H, 18O, Tritium) is by using tube-dip-in-water tantalizer collector with pressure liberation for excellent evaporation protection. A stainless steel table-tennis-sized-ball and debris screen is placed in the collection funnel for extra protection against evaporation and to help in sealing the collector bottle against any debris, respectively. Another advantages of using this type of collector is it facilitates low-cost unattended monthly sampling and eliminates the need for paraffin oil.
ISBN: 978-967-2912-89-7
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Earth Science - Other Publication

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