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Title: High-quality timber species production under multi-storey forest management approach in Malaysia
Authors: JemaliI N.J.N 
Yahya J. 
Bam H.N.R. 
Majid S. 
Muhammad, M. 
Keywords: forest management project;tropical forest tree species;forest management approach;Malaysia's local timber species
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd
Conference: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 
The multi-storey forest management project (MFMP) intended to identify the best silvicultural practices for tropical forest tree species as well as producing high-quality timber and seeds in a multi-storey forest. Plots were established to examine the transition of existing forest plantations and secondary forest to multi-storey forest type. The study aims to evaluate the current performance of the growth rate and productivity of selected local species through a multi-storey forest management approach. Based on the growth performance and productivity obtained, it was found that the method of planting under shading is a practical approach compared to the open planting method. Acacia mangium is planted 3-4 years earlier which acts as shade trees. Five study designs implemented using crop strip at a distance of 3.0 x 3.7m alternating between three different local species and shade trees with a ratio of A (1: 1), B (2: 2), C (4: 4), D (8: 8) and E (16:16). From this study, we found that Malaysia's local timber species can grow under the shade at the beginning of establishment and it can grow well on narrow crop lines such as crop design A and B. On the other hand, these local species need sufficient levels of sunlight as well as other environmental requirements such as humidity, soil and weather changes over time as they grow. For that reason, these three local species namely Shorea leprosula, Shorea parvifolia and Neobalanocarpus heimii showed good performance in crop design C, D and E. This multi-storey forest management concept can be practised for the establishment of forest plantations and silvicultural treatment in degraded areas with high-quality local timber species.
ISBN: 17551307
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/842/1/012002
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Earth Science - Proceedings

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